miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020

what is about to happen with phones

What is about to happen with future Phones

Technology advances by leaps and bounds and companies are trying to convince the masses to prefer their brand and for this, they create new cell phone designs.

As you can see the phones have many upgrades as shown by the video watch phones, phones that fold and are flexible, more resistant phones when broken, phones that can be wound around your hand, phones that are as thin as a sheet of paper, those that have sensors and are smaller are placed around the hand like a clock but this one has lights that give your fingers that when they move you project the image as a hologram there are also those that are like glasses or glasses that reflect the information on the lens those that showed only in science fiction movies. We will also see some that are placed above the hand and have a spider-shaped adjustment to press on the torso of the hand and stay on top, there are also others that are totally crystalline without plastic or color that makes them look like invisible cell phones. others will have a keyboard again. . and surely much more will come.

And you ... what do you think would be the upgrade that you would like your cell phone to have? what would you put What would you take away?


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